Daily Forums News

Daily Forums News 13/9/20

Peasants Peasanting, bogie 1 hit and Dik being Dik.

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Supreme Peasant Hit- Expalins why he is no longer a Peasant

SO today at 11am bst 13/09/20 i left the peasants discord. the peasants was a amazing place where i made lifetime friends such as theboss, Lat, Silverrose etc. i left due to me not giving a shit about the competition anymore and i frankly got bored of leeching, this was due to me being busy irl for most of the competion and seeing some future inactivity. i was top 20 in hits when i was actually hitting, with 90 then i stopped giving a shit and started training and leeching. The send of was mad emotional and i loved my place their to all the other teams the peasants are gonna win dont underestimate us !!!.

Hit- Also made 6m in a day (wow too much money) by deleting Peasants Discord. here’s the Big RIP Video he shared. If any other server owner is interested in deleting your discord please shoot me a chat. thanks.

Champion is Back with his discussion thread about Heavy Weights who don’t seem very heavy.

Weirdly named SmittyWerbenjag created a rant thread about ResidentBogie making just Record Breaking 1 Hit during the event so far.

Y’all see Bogie only made 1 hit, seems kind of sketchy

garyType1 supreme leader of an inactive crap faction was wondering if its a mistake to lead a faction that takes in inactive players.

Speaking of inactives, butts0 who definitely sounds like an inactive was wondering ”Wtf are inactives doing

JS_Rep created a thread about Dekloren Going Rogue in their team, he supplied this screenshot to sum shit up

Lasky from the HeavyWeights sends their love to the other teams.

Pustak was wondering what happens if you take the name of an inactive

Duke took over 3.1M Damage from Bodybagger, Now that is a LOT of Damage. here’s the Attack log.

Brian a Grill Master in SA just hit 5555 days age. thats roughly 15.2 years. wonder how long it took him…

cps_c4 found some blank tokens in the dump, just sayin please don’t scam them.

Forums Quality; meh

Today’s Forum news was Brought to you by The TornHub Project go read more about it here

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See you Tomorrow :)


1: why did you miss about x talking about y?
A: Cause they irrelevant or i missed it
2: why did you not cover about the recent x event?
A: Probably missed it
3: why are you such a ****?
A: Moms Spaghetti
4: do you buy my stuff?
A; Yes

and here’s the obligatory go here to read all forums news